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Bug 84336 - dev-util/cxxtest-3.10.1 (new package)
Summary: dev-util/cxxtest-3.10.1 (new package)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: Normal enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-06 13:02 UTC by Boris Guskee
Modified: 2012-11-07 14:47 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

my little ebuild (cxxtest-3.10.1.ebuild,886 bytes, text/plain)
2005-03-06 13:04 UTC, Boris Guskee
change the reference to the user guide in the README (01_all_link-to-doc.patch.txt,269 bytes, patch)
2005-03-06 13:09 UTC, Boris Guskee
Details | Diff
if no local doc is installed point to the web (01_all_link-to-web.patch.txt,299 bytes, patch)
2005-03-06 13:10 UTC, Boris Guskee
Details | Diff
dev-libs/cxxtest-3.10.1.ebuild (cxxtest-3.10.1.ebuild,628 bytes, text/plain)
2009-07-12 10:20 UTC, MT

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Boris Guskee 2005-03-06 13:02:49 UTC

please find attached the ebuild for CxxTest and two little patches. From the description of the project: "CxxTest is a JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like [unit testing] framework for C++.  Its advantages over existing alternatives are that it: 
- Doesn't require RTTI 
- Doesn't require member template functions 
- Doesn't require exception handling 
- Doesn't require any external libraries (including memory management, file/console I/O, graphics libraries) 
- Is distributed entirely as a set of header files 
This makes it extremely portable and usable."

dev-util/cppunit and dev-util/qtunit are imho the closest alternatives. See for a comparision of CxxTest and CppUnit.

Comment 1 Boris Guskee 2005-03-06 13:04:46 UTC
Created attachment 52805 [details]
my little ebuild
Comment 2 Boris Guskee 2005-03-06 13:09:27 UTC
Created attachment 52806 [details, diff]
change the reference to the user guide in the README

Don't mess around with people who are already looking for help.
Comment 3 Boris Guskee 2005-03-06 13:10:12 UTC
Created attachment 52807 [details, diff]
if no local doc is installed point to the web
Comment 4 dan zwell 2007-10-03 20:34:07 UTC
Can we add this to the portage tree, already? This bug is over two years old, and I used these ebuilds without issue. Some people use cxxtest, and being able to easily install it would be a boon to them.
Comment 5 Jason Dusek 2008-09-02 06:59:01 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> Can we add this to the portage tree, already? This bug is over two years old,
> and I used these ebuilds without issue. Some people use cxxtest, and being able
> to easily install it would be a boon to them.

I agree, I would like to see it as well. There is a bug in the ebuild, though:

--- old.cxxtest-3.10.1.ebuild  2008-09-01 23:56:56.000000000 -0700
+++ cxxtest-3.10.1.ebuild      2008-09-01 23:50:03.000000000 -0700
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 IUSE="examples doc"
Comment 6 Auke Booij (tulcod) 2009-03-24 21:53:53 UTC
website is now: (tigris project page) or (wiki)
Comment 7 Auke Booij (tulcod) 2009-03-24 22:00:40 UTC
oh. builds and runs fine under ~amd64, too. i'd love to see this package in portage.
Comment 8 MT 2009-07-12 10:20:19 UTC
Created attachment 197620 [details]

ebuild cleanup
Comment 9 MT 2009-07-12 10:24:14 UTC
I have removed all the hackishes so the ebuild can be safely added to the portage tree; feedbacks and testing are welcome too. Hope to be usefull.